A Blog About Nothing!

Complex wires

The popular situation comedy show “Seinfield” that ran for 9 seasons was once and forevermore described as a “show about nothing.” This imprimatur was attributed given the show’s focus on the minutiae of daily life. One Voice for Reason intends to follow the same model — a blog about nothing — topics that individually are of little impact, but as a whole, shape the very nature of life. We hope to dent the world one post at a time, and after creating enough dents, maybe the world will demand some bodywork and a new paint job.

I’m not on a Rant

Some may say these posts are just the meaningless rants about nothing of an aging white guy writing under a pseudonym no less, and that is a valid interpretation. If I could ask my 20-year-old self what I expected to see decades later, he would likely say that life would become easier, less complicated, more fulfilling. Maybe it’s just 2020 talking but nothing seems further from the truth. Life is complicated on all fronts, be it technological, societal, environmental, financial, and spiritual. With this blog, I hope to chip away at that complexity by raising small issues and asking businesses, individuals, and governments to consider taking one small step towards a simpler life.

Equal Opportunity Annoyance

My statements here are not intended to be political but I suspect some will take them as such. I hope to and expect to offend everyone’s sensibilities at some point and in 600 words or less. The brevity is driven by my own inability to suffer through most other content. The average New York Times article is 1200 words (an underestimate IMO), the average piece of U.S. legislation is 1200 pages, and the average attention span of a human is 8 seconds so I’ve likely already overstayed my welcome.

Finally, I’d prefer for this blog about nothing to not be all about me and my travails. I want to hear from you and address the small things that frustrate you. So please comment, email me, tweet me, or just yell loudly. I’m listening!

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